Seriously?! RAIN?? I have 3 meetings today and 1 is crazy important. We’ve all been there, talk about FRIZZ central!  Always on the day you were hoping the doom and gloom weather would just take a time out. When aiming to keep your curls voluminous and runway ready, the last thing you need are flyaway’s and fuzzy strands surrounding your head like Simba’s silhouette. 


The best way to ensure your curls are ready to brave the rain is to prep those strands with product, product, and more product! Product is like your own private curl army ready to fight the battle. 


To start off, make sure that you are properly caring for your hair before battling the elements. A proper shampoo/conditioner/deep conditioner (at least once a week) will keep hair healthy and less temperamental. Because our hair tends to take a beating from the weather during winter… we reach for the Ultra Rich Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner. Establish a new routine of deep conditioning at least once a week with the Ultra Rich Moisture Masque, it will instantly moisturize your hair and make you forget about how cold it is outside. 


Once out of the shower and cozy in a bathrobe, make sure to prep hair with a mixture of the Taming Curl Cream and Nourishing Moisture Oil Spray, it will keep your hair soft and fight off that frizz for you! Best of all it creates a barrier between those tendrils and that dreadful thing we call HUMIDITY…not exactly a curly girls (or boys) best friend. 

*Tip: Try scrunching the water out of your hair post shower with paper towels. It will soak up the excess frizz without the ability to rough up hair setting you up for a frizz happy day. 


To top it off your look, locking it in and away from the elements, invest in a strong hold hairspray like our Anti-Humidity Finishing Spray. Spritz this on your hair before leaving the house and it will ensure your curls stay soft, shiny, and bouncy, without succumbing to the rain. 


Next, reach for those galoshes, a rain coat, and the cutest umbrella you have and go enjoy the rain, because your curls will have nothing to fear! 


Product Guide to get the look: Now available in the Bangstyle Store!


Be sure to stalk Macadamia Professional to keep up to date with the latest product picks and hairstyling tricks!