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Award-winning hairdresser Sally Brooks of Brooks & Brooks introduces her Aura collection — a stunning series of glittering images sure to inspire a bit of shine and sparkle this season. Read on to learn more about Sally and the artistic inspiration behind her work!

What was the inspiration behind this collection?

I wanted to do something a bit more punky with this collection. Playing on perfect imperfections with a mix of beautiful textures with an effortless finish.

Tell us more about you as an artist and how your work has changed over the years.

I love to do something different and try new things; as you get older you have the confidence and the skills to always try new things. Whether it’s a shoot or a show I always try to find a different edge to my work to keep things fresh. I am continually inspired by the thought process behind artists and I feel that my work represents what is inspiring me at the moment and where I am as an artist at that particular moment. Each time I take in a shoot or a show there is always a creative thought, and then a vision, and then a simplification to keep the whole thing together and balanced.

What did you learn about yourself through creating this collection?

I learnt with this collection to think really fast and be prepared to change direction — as most of my models cancelled the night before! This is not a bad thing, it just means you have to think really fast on your feet and keep your eye out for something amazing to happen on the shoot that you didn’t plan. A great team always helps to get a great end result.

Were there any products/tools that were key to getting the looks/colours?

This was a lot of mixture of different tong sizes and a lot of making sure the hair was well prepared before even starting the look. If you don’t prepare the hair properly at the beginning of the shoot, you have no chance of finding something magic with the hair when you touch it.

What do you the audience takes away from these images? 

I hope the audience loves the simplicity and attention to detail — from the modern waves to the subtle colours, from the simple placement of colour to the overall vision and beautiful canvas that is the photography.


The Collection:


What trends do you see taking place in the next few seasons? 

We are seeing a lot more haircutting coming through at the moment. But the most exciting thing is that 2021 will allow the industry to reform and change some things. So for me, now anything is possible. Out of impossible situations comes the most creative things — let’s all rip up the rule books and create magic!

If you could have a superpower what would it be? 

My superpower would be fly really fast so I could see some of my friends in different countries. Basically, I like to move fast and I don’t like slow walking people so my superpower would be to move super fast.

Coffee or tea? Morning person or night owl?

Coffee - well if you can call a skinny vanilla latte with one shot a coffee.

Definitely a night owl - don’t get me to do a creative meeting in the morning my brain takes a while to get going!! And in the evening my brain won’t stop.

Favourite travel destination/bucket-list location?

The arctic. I would love to go somewhere really cold, see the polar bears and experience something totally unique where the light on the white snow in my eyes is beautiful.