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We’re reporting it here first. Over the past few years, fantasy hair colors have gained a great deal of popularity from street styles to runway looks. While pastels fade in and out and hair trends take turns as our favorite Starbucks frap rotates in and out – we’ve found ourselves at the crossroads of self-love and hair love. There is no doubt about the fact that everyone is obsessed with their Astrological sign – or the sign of their latest Bumble catch. Keep reading to see our favorite shades for your birth month and some inspiration to show your stylist!


January Birthstone: Garnet


February Birthstone: Amethyst

March Birthstone: Aquamarine


April Birthstone: Diamond


May Birthstone: Emerald

June Birthstone: Pearl 

July Birthstone: Ruby

August Birthstone: Peridot

September Birthstone: Sapphire


October Birthstone: Opal

November Birthstone: Citrine

December Birthstone: Turquoise


To see even more of our favorite trends click here! Feeling inspired? Be sure to check out all the goodies the Bangstyle store has to offer!
