We are thrilled to partner with the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) to promote all the amazing artists who are finalists for the 2015 NAHAs (North American Hairstyling Awards), the most prestigious hair and beauty award in the country. Bangstyle had the pleasure of getting to know the incredibly talented Paige Roy, one of this year’s finalists in the “Nail Professional of the Year” category. Check out our exclusive interview with Paige to learn a bit more about her collection and what fuels her passion for nails.
Tell us a bit about your nominated collection this year. What was the inspiration behind the looks? How did the creative process unfold?
My inspiration this year was butterflies; I had a vision of white with pops of vibrant Monarch. I started with smokey, inky blotches and added design from there. I try to have a plan but I always end up going with the flow of things in the end.
Were there collections in other categories that you found inspiring or particularly appealing?
One collection that comes to mind is the big geometric hair that seems to be on thin slices with patterns throughout. That blows my mind. So many of the collections were very striking. I watched the nominee video over and over.
What is your favorite aspect of being a nail artist?
My favourite aspect of being a nail artist is that I am doing art that people can wear. I am designing their accessories for them. I can be creative everyday- if my clients let me!
As a new addition to NAHA, what most excites you about having Nails in the spotlight this year?
The most exciting thing about the addition of a nail category to me is that it's gaining importance and excitement for Nail Art. I recently went to a convention and was surprised at the tiny area of nail booths. Many people didn't even have their nails done. I'm excited to gain respect for it and hope to see it get bigger (especially the art side).
What is the one tool and/or product you can't live without?
I don't know if I have a product or tool that comes to mind as something I can't live without, because gels are a process and require so many things. I try to use anything and everything I can in my nails and to challenge myself to do different things all the time. I will say that I am in love with Young Nails. The gels don't lift, the acrylics are great and there is a plethora of art products including the amazing liquid art drops. And the brand has tons of video tutorials on YouTube so you can get the best tips on the products.
What is your recipe for a successful shoot?
For a successful shoot you need a good photographer. One who can use photoshop well. One who has the same vision as you. It is so hard to ring someone who understands photographing nails. It's not just getting a good picture it's getting the details and making sure it's not too shiny or no nails are at a weird angle. And try to use real models- they don't tough their hair or eat off their lipstick. Someone looking awkward on camera ruins the mood of your photos.
And lastly give yourself time. Don't try to do too much and don't use girls that show up late or have to leave in two hours. You need time!
How will you celebrate a win in your category?
If I win, I will probably just fall on the floor and look dazed. Or jump around screaming.
What draws you to competition work?
I like competitions because it's something different and it's whatever I want. My ideas, my designs, and nothing boring. It's new every time.
Do you have a ritual or lucky item you'll be bringing to the awards?
No ritual or lucky item. I'll just probably be being awkward and overwhelmed and trying to remember to keep breathing.