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Watch out Dianna Ross, there is a new Queen of Firzz in town! Not the title you are hoping for? There are many causes of frizz, some we can help resolve…some we can manage. Rest assured, there is a way to tame your mane.

First, let’s isolate your frizz. Then we can help tackle it!

The unruly curly girl:

Undefined curls over shadowed by coarse frizz? If this is you, you may need a product intervention. There are great products for curls, including Deva Curl, that will nurture and restore your natural curl pattern while reducing frizz. Ask your stylist what product they recommend for your curls. Be sure to only brush once a day, brushing a leave in conditioner though after washing and scrunch dry with a towel. Never “towel” all over. If you blow dry, consider investing in a diffuser.

Fried, Frizzy and Fabulous:

Have you been bleaching at home? Turning up the hot tools past the recommended temp? Admit it, you are a flat iron junkie. Your frizz is a result of damage and distress. Yes, you can “stress” your hair out. Reduce the temp on your tools, even take a day or two off letting your hair recover. Always use a thermal protectant spray before heat. Many professional products now have thermal protection built in; ask your stylist if the products you use have protection. You may also want to schedule an in-salon deep treatment to help restore your hair.

Cold Weather Static:


It’s winter, but your hair feels more like a dry summer day. Cold winter air can be brutal on your hair. Static, frizz and fly-away’s are the not so fun side effect of the winter ball. You don’t need to worry, but you do need a hydrating regimen and a great deep conditioner to restore moisture to your hair. And don’t forget to drink water. Your hair can suffer from dehydration too.

There are also great formaldehyde free treatments you can turn to, like Cezanne Perfect Finish. These treatments last about 3 months and help smooth the frizz. Your salon will carry the brand they are most confident and educated in.

So no need to panic… there is help to fight the frizz! Your shiny, healthy hair is not as far away as you thought.