When heat and humidity are through the roof, the last thing you want to do is tend to your strands. What if we told you there were easy hacks that promise to give you great-looking hair with minimal effort during the warmer months? From time-saving styling tips to must-have tools, check out the top ways you can step up your haircare routine this summer.

Hack #1

Style while you sleep

Minimize heat damage and get a few minutes of extra ZZZs by styling your hair in a single three-strand or French braid at night. In the morning, unravel your hair and gently finger comb your waves, then apply a sea salt spray and touch up any frizzy areas with a curling iron.

Hack #2

French braid your bangs

Nothing is more annoying than having your sweaty fringe stick to your forehead. Forgo the embarrassing event by French braiding your bangs. Your hair will be out of your face and you’ll look like you tried—even though the style took less than two minutes to create.

Hack #3

Wet your hair before getting into the pool

Protect hair from chlorine’s damaging effects by rinsing it with fresh water prior to swimming. Because wet hair is less absorbent than dry hair, it is less likely to absorb the chlorinated water, meaning your hair will be protected from dryness or discoloration.

Hack #4

Stash a wide-tooth comb in your beach bag

The longer you allow your wet hair to remain untouched, the worse the tangles will be. Keep a wide-tooth comb in your beach bag to smooth through your hair after the pool or beach. That way, you won’t have to work through a bunch of knots when you get home.

Try: Sam Villa Signature Series Wide Cutting Comb

Hack #5

Get your hair off your neck

One of the sneaky causes of frizz? Sweat on your neck! To keep cool and keep frizz at bay, experiment with styles that get your hair off your neck. From a tight low bun to milkmaid braids, it’s a good idea to master a couple of looks to keep sweating to a minimum on scorching-hot days! 

For even more hair care and styling tricks, be sure to stalk Sam Villa Professional on Bangstyle and check out all of his tools in the Bangstyle Store!