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Newcomer Keith Bryce also gained traction in the Avant Garde and Styling & Finishing categories this year. He really proved his talents by creating collections that shined in each individual category. From stellar cuts and styling in his Newcomer collection to shine, elegance and stand out styling in Styling & Finishing, and his unreal color placement and finishing within his Avant Garde collection. We can't wait to see what Keith Bryce creates next! Be sure to keep scrolling to see his art and hear more about each of his beautiful collections! 

What was the inspiration behind each collection?

For the Avant Garde collection, it really happened organically. I honestly had been experimenting for months with a variety of new hair techniques but in actuality, some of the color technique I used was something that I wanted to present on my newcomer and a potential color entry I was planning on doing. The original inspiration came from nature. Some of the patterns I was seeing on birds and insects. I loved to be inspired by nature and I really wanted to work with micro color detail.
 As far as my inspiration for my newcomer and my finishing and styling, I wanted to present classic style and technique that was refined and that had a progressive fresh feel to it. I wanted to show the industry that I knew technique while also having a fresh perspective to it.
It was important that I kept the Avant Garde collection avant-garde and the newcomer and F&S more refined and specific. I wanted the mood of the newcomer and F&S to be a little bit darker and edgier and have some sass and drama to it.

How does it feel to be nominated in so many different categories?

For me, it's almost a dream. It doesn't feel quite real yet. Although I have worked for many years helping other stylist build their collections and try to define their brands. To finally have this opportunity to present my work, with help from my team and support from people behind me feels amazing. I continually pinch myself and remind myself this is really finally happening. Truly Feels incredible!


As a newcomer, what did you learn about the competition?

Although this is my first time really developing a collection and entering myself, this isn't my first time doing NAHA. I have been shooting these collections for 8 yrs now; Although I learned more doing my own collections then I ever did in any of the years shooting other peoples collections. Finally, I had that pressure on myself, so I could actually feel what it's like. I learned the pressure can be intense, and it can be hard to process through. I learned patience. I learned how to be Uber flexible. I learned how to have a defined game plan. I learned I could travel across states, sleep on a couch for 3 days in a photography studio without showering and create a beautiful inspired avant-garde collection. Jeez was It definitely a learning experience.

What did you learn about yourself through creating each collection?

I learned I am most comfortable letting the styling happen organically in an Avant Garde setting. I learned that it is important to have a great support team behind you and ALWAYS have an alternate plan of action. Practice your looks before the day of the shoot. I also learned how STRESSED OUT I can get! Finishing my Newcomer and Finishing & Styling collections was probably one of the most stressful experiences I ever put myself through. I mean besides being on Project Runway that is... haha. 
One of the biggest things I learned through all of this was to be prepared and take care of yourself and your health during the process. Always be kind throughout because it’s can be a stressful journey for everyone. I think I learned most about myself to not give up, to push through, to fight when you feel like crying and in the end be proud of yourself for the accomplishment no matter the results!


What was your biggest challenge?

Honestly, I would have to say my biggest challenge was...myself. I over processed a lot of my ideas. I wouldn't allow things to just happen at times because I was stuck in my head. I just completely over did it. For my Newcomer and F&S collections I literally did 25 looks and used 12 models to create those collections. I was trying to take on too much for the first time. It became extremely stressful. I felt I pulled some awesome work out of it but I probably could have done it in half the time using a lot less money. Saving me a lot of unneeded stress.

What other forms of art inspire you?

Conceptual design in many forms is what I really love. I have a background as an abstract painter doing large commissioned fine art pieces. I love fashion and I am a recognized designer that was featured on Project Runway season 5. I have been photographing and helping build NAHA collections for the past 8 years.

How much prep time went into each piece?

I have been experimenting with Avant Garde techniques for the last several years but specifically for my personal collection for over 6 months. I was just trying different things to see what I could come up with. Then when it came time to work on these collections it was a couple of months of working on color technique and color placement and getting everything prepped.

What was your favorite part of this shoot?

I would have to say my favorite part was the support. The support from my creative team, my models, and from my partner Adam who flew out from CA to work with me for 3 days. Them supporting me made it all possible.


How did you select your team? Have you worked with them before?

I hand selected my team by choosing people I had worked with in the past. I choose my main assistant because I have worked with her numerous times and I knew that she was a skilled hard worker. I choose MUA’s that I appreciated their creative vision and knew they were hard workers. When choosing models I went with interesting beauty, that's always important to me when building a collection.

Where will we find you in Long Beach?

I will be all over! I plan on networking and connecting to as many stylists as possible. Lining up as many creative projects as I can for the future.

What are you looking forward to most about NAHA 2019?

Connecting with all the other creatives.


Stay tuned to see even more NAHA Finalists Collections! 

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