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As hairstylists, we know all too well the importance of violet toners and purple shampoos - they work miracles to bust brass and fight off unwanted yellow tones. A staple behind the chair, this is exactly how Giana Randazzo, the inventor of Color Wheel came up with her idea - a purple-hued toothpaste that instantly whitens teeth. Utilizing much of the same concept as a toner – Color Wheel toothpaste coats the teeth to reveal a whiter, brighter smile. 

How Does It Work?

To understand just how Color Wheel works, it’s a great idea to reference color theory. 

Color theory is a visual representation that details certain “rules” and establishes standards to utilise in art and design. Within the world of design, color theory plays a very large role when it comes to makeup and hair color, which we often see in the use of the color wheel. The color wheel is traditionally a visual representation of the various colors on the spectrum and their relation to each other. It details primary, secondary and tertiary colors as well as those that are neutral, complementary, or contrasting to one another. Utilizing the color wheel in makeup or hair is especially useful when aiming to combat red, orange or yellow hues, add a “cool” or “warm” effect, and create more appealing shades. For example: if you have a red pimple, using a green concealer (the color opposite on the color wheel) will help cover the blemish and make it appear more neutral. In the salon, when lightening hair, orange or yellow tones can be neutralized by adding a lavender toner to cancel out the unwanted warmth. The color wheel can be a stylist’s best friend and is now the ultimate answer to teeth whitening too. 

How To Use


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Color Wheel toothpaste has an instant, temporary effect on your teeth. By coating your enamel with a purple hue, it instantly cancels out unwanted yellow tones. A generous amount of Color Wheel should be applied with your finger to your front teeth. Begin by swiping across your teeth, then wipe away most (but not all) with a wet finger so that a small amount of the purple hue is left behind on your teeth - this will ensure maximum whitening! 

Color Wheel is formulated similar to a natural toothpaste so it does have refreshing properties to it. It can be used as often as you like for an instant brightening effect! 

Why You’ll Love It

Many whitening systems on the market can cause discomfort and pain. Color Wheel uses an alternate route to ensure whitening results without the harsh impact on your enamel. Due to the fact that it simply coats your teeth, you don’t need to worry about pain. We loved this product not only because it was created by a hairstylist, but for the ability to instantly whiten teeth for a special occasion, your daily selfie, or when you just need an instant brightening boost!

Where To Buy

Visit https://colorwheelproducts.com/ to learn more about this product and https://colorwheelproducts.com/shop/ to instantly shop! 

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