Schedules can be hectic and dates can be easily forgotten, or you may just not like the idea of sticking to a strict schedule. However, depending on your style choices, you may need to. Barbershop appointments get booked up quickly and usually far in advance, especially before a long weekend, around the holidays, and as the seasons change. And as men’s grooming is becoming more prominent it is important to know when to book your barber.
First, take your style into account. Do you have a super slick fade or are you longer on the sides? This will immediately determine the difference between a high-maintenance and low-maintenance cut. A tight fade shows length quickly, which needs more maintenance, especially if you like a really clean look. If you have enough length on top you may be able to stop in for a simple touch up around the sides, but this is something you should discuss directly with your barber.
Next, you need to think about your lifestyle. Do you live near your barber or does a trip to the barbershop take up some time? Do you need to have a clean looking cut at all times due to your job or can you get away with an awkward week or two?
How good are you at styling your hair? Certain cuts may make your styling routine much easier. If your hair is short enough you don’t need to worry about your natural texture getting in the way or the need to learn how to wield a blow dryer. If you’re the kind of guy that likes to throw some POMADE or FIBER into your hair and call it a day, you may need to schedule regular appointments to keep the length on point.
If you are adept at styling your own hair, you can often work that awkward week by using GROOMING TONIC and a blow dryer, then layering with your favorite MATTE CLAY or GREASE.
Do you have facial hair? Chat with your barber about how to keep your facial hair clean and trimmed as well. Don’t forget to condition your beard with BEARD FOAM & use BEARD BALM to tame your beard.
If you missed a week, or must forgo due to scheduling, product can be your savior by keeping you looking dapper between appointments. Men should get into the habit of scheduling themselves for a cut, clean up or trim every 4 weeks. If your style is longer you can probably extend it to 6 weeks, but if you have a tight fade or a slick style like our favorite Scumbags, you’ll want to see your barber every 2 to 3 weeks. Consult with your barber on scheduling the best plan for your cut and when in doubt, use Reuzel to keep your style looking fresh.
To check out all of our products and to learn more about each, be sure to check out Reuzel on Bangstyle and follow us on Instagram @Reuzel to see our most up-to-date inspiration!

Beard Foam

Beard Balm

Clay Matte Pomade

Grease Heavy Hold