As we begin to wrap ourselves up in the coziness that is #sweaterweather season — equipped with fireside egg nog, beanies and cranking the thermostat — rethinking our hair care routine is essential. Swapping anti-frizz for anti-static products is a no brainer, but when’s the last time you took a deeper look at your winter hair care routine? Keep reading for a few expert-approved tips to ensure flawless hair all season long. 

Moisture Factor

After spending a summer fighting off the effects of moisture, now is the time to add back this key element into your routine. Due to the drop and temps outside and the increase of heaters indoors, this perfect storm can dry out your hair leaving your with lackluster locks. Investing in a humidifier is a great first step to ensure hair (and skin) don’t get overly parched. Next, add a combination of moisturizing cleansers and a dry conditioner to moisturize from the inside out. 

Product Picks:

Keune Care Vital Nutrition Shampoo & Conditioner



Keune Style Dry Conditioner


Check-In With Your Stylist

As the temperatures drop, it can be a great time to make an appointment with your stylist to create a game-plan for the season ahead. From creating a gloss routine to trimming dead ends, getting a pro perspective is just what you need. 

Do Weekly Scalp Treatments

Sometimes the scalp simply does not get enough love. However, with an increase in heat styling and hats, now is the ideal time to invest in haircare specifically tailored for the scalp. Even if you don’t normally experience these symptoms, excess heat can often lead to an itchy or flaky scalp. By treating this area and ensuring it is gently cleansed, you can easily and instantly improve the look and feel of your hair from root to tip.

Product Pick:

Keune Care Derma Sensitive Shampoo


Take A Custom-Tailored Approach 

There isn’t always a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to haircare… this is exactly why Keune created Keune You. As an extension of the Keune Care line, Keune You utilizes custom-mixed formulas, created by your stylist, to offer bespoke solutions to your individual concerns. From the perfect color refining conditioner to an extra dose of moisture when you need it most, visit your stylist today or find out more about the line here