Featured: Culture Collection - Suzie Mcgill & Dylan Brittain
A study in innovative color placement and precision cuts, the Rainbow Room International Culture Collection by Suzie Mcgill and Dylan Brittain is sure to turn heads. They used a combination of strong geometric outlines and internal movement within their cuts and graphic color meant to capture the essence of millennial youth. As the winners of Scottish Hairdresser of the Year 2016, this collection truly set them apart.

Featured Collection: Corrosion - Royals Hair
All types of experiences inspire artists, whether it is something they see on the daily or a once in a lifetime occurrence. They then translate these visual impressions any which way they like. Looking at this collection – Corrosion by Royals Hair, you might not be able to know automatically what their inspiration was. Take the time below to investigate what exactly they drew their vision from; it will help you as an artist to come up with your own insights.

Featured Collection: Valiant Pastiche III - A Louisville Fashion Collaboration
Photographer Gary Barragan brought together and all-star cast of stylists, hair artists, makeup artists and models to create a collaboration between Louisville’s finest artists! With a militarized theme and high fashion finesse, this series of four takes on a life of its own.