Hair on the Go: A Traveler's Guide to great Hair!
As you get packed for your next trip, whether it’s for work or pleasure…here are my 3 go-to, easy and low product styles that will keep you looking great even when you’re battling jet lag!

Featured Collection - "Intergalactic": Ray Hornback
Ray Hornbacks' latest collection "INTERGALACTIC" is making waves in this galaxy even if it was envisioned for another. The color of this colletion is simply mind bending, while the styilng is out of this world! Read on...

Contessa Semi-Finalist: Audrey Adrine
Audrey Adrine is a Semi-Finalist for the 2015 Contessa Awards, she gives us insight into her collection; the inspirations behind it and the tools she uses to better her career, be prepared to be inspired!