You want a Brazilian Blowout smoothing treatment.  You have made the decision and the appointment with your certified stylist. But, admit it…. You are a little nervous. You love your curls and aren’t looking to “lose” them, especially since they are suddenly so “on trend”! Sound familiar?

Not to worry…. Brazilian Blowout’s are customizable. Unlike keratin treatments which only offer a straight result, Brazilian Blowout can allow you to enjoy a smooth, sleek result, or to keep those gorgeous curls and simply lose the frizz.  And, even better yet, it will significantly reduce your styling time in the morning.  Say hello to 15 more minutes of sleep!   Gone will be the days of fighting frizz and layering product hoping it helps the puffy without loosing volume.  The great thing is, it all starts with the consultation. Find a certified stylist at and let them know what you want to achieve. 

Here’s what they need to know for you to go home happy and in love with your locks: 

Do you prefer to blow dry or air dry?

Do you like your curls/texture? 

Why did you decide to get a Brazilian Blowout?

What would you like to change about your hair?

What products do you use at home and do you need to change them?

What tips for home-care will make the service last longer?

How often do you need to repeat the process to maintain it?


Once you and your certified stylist have covered all these bases, then they can tailor the process to you. Now, strut your stuff into the salon, get your questions out and go enjoy your shiny smooth mane!

Be sure to stalk Brazilian Blowout on Bangstyle to stay up to date with all of your styling needs and tips from the pro's!