Top 20 Most Fascinating Hair Facts!
A wise man said to me years ago..…."I bet everyone who wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror while brushing their teeth has asked themselves at least once…What am I doing with this hair today?!” Have we always been obsessed with our hair? According to history, yes we have! Read on for our favorites.....

Featured Artist: Sylvestre Finold
Sylvestre Finold is the true definition of “Artist”. Each collection has more detail than the last. With great detail and passion….he “wows” us every time. We asked Sylvestere to share a bit about his love of hair and here is what today’s Featured Artist had to say….

The Brand Jam
Don't have 12 free hours to read up on the latest and greatest? No prob! The "Brand Jam" is about to become your new best friend. Get the scoop on sales and tips....