To Shampoo...or Not to Shampoo?
I have read some crazy things about shampoo and conditioner, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, if you are using HEAT, COLOR or CHEMICALS on your HAIR, chances are the old grandma remedy of vinegar and moon water (while dancing around in circles, of course) is not going to help the condition of your hair. Read on....

Exclusive Collection: Stoic Beauty
Behold our new editorial perfect for Summer/Fall 2015. Beauty, elegance and subtlety was the formula for this collection. We used new talent, Katya Estes and Molly Robbins for their look of innocence, but to also convey the strength of a "Stoic Beauty”. Read more....

Featured Collection: Amy Freudenberg
We are big fans of L’Anza Artist Amy Freudenberg. From stage work, to in-salon hairstyles, to the most intricate Avant Garde looks….she embodies the whole range! Her newest collection evokes a feeling of winter, innocence and incredible passion for hair. Read more...